'Cicada Pupil - Female, Japan 2011' By Liz Atkin
The use of the body as a medium has been widely used among women artists, a fact that also speaks of the braveness inherited by the gender. Ink, insects and calligraphy, attractive, brave and personal, are elements that, in Liz's case, seem to carve on their journey her own skin, producing a body of work which is more risky for its impermanence, like a "happening" experienced and photographed for the records. It is quite obvious that her Japanese residency made a mark in her work. Delicate, spiritual, boundary breaking; but the challenge that is in front of Liz is again her own body, her own exposure, the use of it as part of her signature...
I wish for Liz to confront the challenge and keep taking her actions to an higher level whose records would be difficult to appreciate in a competition like this, but whose presence would also challenge the competition itself.
Montse Gallego London December 2012.
'Cow' By Helene Williams
I enjoyed her pieces very much, but it was 'Cow' that caught my eye. That posture - and heft. I loved Cow's lopsided stance, heaving its meat around with an odd fusion of clumsiness and grace with the limited intelligence of its species. Her pieces have sexual energy and the blend of fragility and strength that can be thrillingly confusing - especially 'Cow'. Seemingly influenced by the work of Louise Borgeous, she extends it in the way she sees her subjects. Sexy and a bit scary, leaving room for the imagination (ie not didactic), which makes these pieces good art. I enjoyed them very much and she has good command of and interesting choice of materials.
Jan Woolf
'As Above, So Below IV' by Caroline Jane Harris
Caroline has this fantastically intricate approach which I look at in amazement. I take great pleasure in looking at her works and discovering what's before me, common images that appear are a spiders web, the bodies circulatory system or a river network.
Ryan Stanier