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I am a painter and sculptor of contemporary work, using mixed recycled materials employed with paint to engage viewers with personal and natural themes that address relationships with our environment and each other.

Probably more than any other area of my life, my work seems to be fed and nurtured by dreams: that vast, spiralling mesh of all human experience, conscious or unconscious. The persistence of visual images in my sleep and the subtle but powerful influence of the land beneath me and within me go a very long way to explain what I create. It could be said that it is the fusion of the ancient and the contemporary that has shaped my work. You can only be so deliberate when creating. Sometimes the whole process has such a life of its own that we might consider the artist to be the medium.

Method: The technique I've developed involves building up gradual layers of mixed recycled materials integrated with paint which I sculpt into at different stages during the drying process. It gives me control over the direction a piece is taking but still allows for an organic flow that I feel is essential in my work, as is the contrast in textures and relief lines, rough against smooth. It calls to be explored by touch and I encourage this, believing my work is always viewed with a clearer understanding when it is up close and in person.

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